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SIMAUD 2018 accepts Tree Inventory Data in Urban Modeling paper by Passe, Thompson, Marmur, and Hashemi

Author: codnew

We are proud to announce that the team comprised of Professor Ulrike Passe, Dr. Janette Thompson, and graduate research assistants Farzad Hashemi and Breanna Marmur have had their research paper, Developing a Workflow to Integrate Tree Inventory Data into Urban Energy Modeling, accepted to this year’s SIMAUD conference to be held at TU Delft University June 4th – 7th.

The paper demonstrates the team’s research into creating a process for integrating urban forest inventory data into a 3D energy model, a development which has been used to analyze how forest shading impacts building energy performance in Midwest cities. This specific process integrates Grasshopper 3D modeling, Meerkat plug-in for Grasshopper, and GIS data.

The annual conference, now into its ninth year, aims to promote alchemy between fields such as architecture, urban design, urban planning, building science, visualization, and simulation by highlighting emerging and cutting-edge research being done with simulation-based support systems. We are excited to have Professor Passe and Hashemi represent the Sustainable Cities team this upcoming June at the conference. Congratulations!