- Devisch, O., Poplin, A. and S. Sofronie. 2016. The Gamification of Civic Participation. Two experiments in improving the skills of citizens to reflect collectively on spatial issues, Journal of Urban Technology, Volume 23, Issue 2, p. 81-102.
- Huang, W., Krejci, C.C., Passe, U., Dorneich, M.C., Shenk, L., & Stonewall, J. Analyzing Residential Weatherization Decisions using Hybrid Simulation Modeling. Energy Policy.
- Im, J., Seo, Y, Cetin, K.S., Singh, J. Energy efficiency in U.S. residential rental housing: adoption rates and impact on rent. Applied Energy.
- Kalvelage, K., Dorneich, M.C., Seeger, C., Welk, G., Gilbert, S., Moon, J., Brown, P., & Jafir, I. (Accepted). “Assessing the Validity of Facilitated-Volunteered Geographic Information: Comparisons of Expert and Novice Ratings,” GeoJournal: Spatially Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10708-017-9781-z
- Krejci, C. C., Dorneich, M. C., & Stone, R. T. (2016) Assessing values-based sourcing strategies in regional food supply networks: An agent-based approach. Journal on Policy & Complex Systems, 2 (2), 21–48
- Liu, C., S. Ghosal, S., Jiang, Z. and Sarkar, S. (2016), “An unsupervised spatiotemporal graphical modeling approach to Anomaly detection in Distributed CPS”, International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS) 2016
- Poplin, A. 2017. Mapping Expressed Emotions: Empirical Experiments on Power Places, Special issue of the journal Kartographische Nachrichten on Empirical Cartography, Vol. 2, p. 83-91.
- Poplin, A., Guan, W. and B. Lewis. 2016. Online Survey of Heterogeneous Users and Their Usage of the Interactive Mapping Platform WorldMap, The Cartographic Journal, p. 1-19. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00087041.2016.1229248.
- Poplin, A., Shenk, L., Passe, U. Engaging youth with pervasive technologies for resilient communities: Using the storytelling capabilities of maps and online GIS for coalition-building and action. Interaction Design & Architecture(s) Journal, 35, 182–204.
- Shenk, L., Krejci, C., & Passe U. “Agents of Change—Together: Using Agent-based Models to Inspire Social Capital Building for Sustainable Communities.” Community Development.
- Lewis, B., W. Guan, and A. Poplin. 2017. (accepted). Evaluating the Current State of Geospatial Software as a Service Platforms: A Comparison Study, in Leitner M. and J. Jokar Arsanjani (eds): Citizen Empowered Mapping, Springer, pp. (pending).
- Poplin, A. and K. Vemuri. 2017. (accepted). YouPlaceIt!: Spatial Game for Building a Consensus, book chapter, to be published in the book titled Geogames and Geoplay – Game-based Approaches to the Analysis of Geo-Information, Editors: Ola Ahlqvist and Christoph Schlieder,
- Poplin, A., Kerkhove, T., Reasoner, M. and A. Roy. 2017. (accepted). Urban planning games: Enriching civic engagement?, Book chapter for the book titled The Virtual And The Real: Perspectives, Practices and Applications For The Built Environment (Yamu, C., Poplin, A., Devisch, O. and G. de Roo (Editors)).
- Shenk, L., Anderson, N., Passe,U., Krejci,C., (2016) Engaged Science and Working with Youth for Sustainable Cities: A partnership with ‘East High Cares’ and Iowa State University Research team, in: Jean Goodwin (Ed.) Confronting the challenges of Public Participation: Issues in Environmental, Planning and Health Decision-Making (pp. 189-199), Charleston, South Carolina, Create Space.
- Anderson, N., and Shenk, L. (2016) “A New Lexicon of Resilience: Using design research and humanities methods to bridge data-driven science and community issues” in Innovation: Shifting Ground. Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association, Raleigh, NC, May 18-21.
- Ghosal,S., Liu, C., Passe, U., He, S., and Sarkar, S. (2016) “Data-driven persistent monitoring of indoor air systems,” in ASHRAE IAQ 2016 Conference, 2016.
- Huang, W., Krejci, C.C., Dorneich, M.C., & Passe, U. (2017), “Weatherization Adoption in A Multilayer Social Network: An Agent-based Approach”, presented at the 2017 Computational Social Science Society of the Americas Annual Conference, Santa Fe, NM, October 19-22 (nominated for “Best Paper”).
- Jagani, C., & Passe, U. (2017). Simulation-based sensitivity analysis of future climate scenarios on residential weatherization initiatives in the US Midwest. In Proceeding of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design. Toronto, May 22-24 2017.
- Kalvelage, K., Passe, U., Krejci, C., & Dorneich, M. (2015, 5-7 Oct), Incorporation of future building operating conditions into the modeling of building-microclimate interaction: A feasibility approach. In K. P. Lam (Co-chair), The First International Symposium on Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems (ISSHBE). Symposium conducted at the meeting of A. A. AEI, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Krejci, C. C., Passe, U., Dorneich, M. C., & Peters, N. (2016a), “A Hybrid Simulation Model for Urban Weatherization Programs”, Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, Arlington, VA, December 11–14.
- Passe, U., Anderson, N., De Brabanter, K., Dorneich, M., Krejci, C., Poplin, A., Shenk, L., (2016), Methodologies for Studying Human-Microclimate Interactions for Resilient, Smart City Decision-Making, in: Proceedings of PLEA2016 Los Angeles – Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments, 11-13 July.
- Passe, U., Deza, M., Ganapathysubramanian, B., He, S., Vansice, K., Xu, S, (2016), Typological Studies For Passive Design Strategies Based On Coupled Measured And Modelled Data, Proceedings of the 2016 Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) conference, May 16-18, 2016, London.
- Poplin, A., Shenk, L., Krejci, C. and U. Passe. 2017 (submitted). Engaging youth through spatial socio-technical storytelling, participatory GIS, agent-based modelling, online geogames and action projects, 2nd Smart Cities conference, Puebla, Mexico.
- Poplin, A., Yamu, C. and L. Rico-Gutierrez. 2017 (submitted). Place-making: an approach to rationale behind the location choice of power places. University campus Ames as a case study, 2nd Smart Cities conference, Puebla, Mexico.
- Seo, Y, Cetin, K.S. Energy Efficiency Investment Decisions under Uncertainty and its Impact on Rent. (will be submitted June 2017)
- Stonewall, J., Fjelstad, K., Dorneich, M.C., Shenk, L., Krejci, C., Cetin, K., & Passe, U. (Accepted). “Best Practices for Engaging Underserved Populations,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. Austin, TX, October 9–13, 2017.
- Stonewall, J., Huang, W., Dorneich, M., Shenk, L., Krejci, C., & Passe, U. (Submitted 2018). Energy Use and Weatherization Practices: Applications for Agent-Based Modeling to Support Vulnerable Populations. Proceedings of the 62nd Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.
- Hashemi, F., B. Marmur, U. Passe, and J. Thompson. 2018. Developing a workflow to integrate tree inventory data into urban energy models. Proceedings of the Simulation in Architecture and Urban Development Conference (SimAUD), Society for Modeling & Simulation International.
- Wu, L., Chinde, V., Sharma,H., Passe, U., Sarkar, S (2018). A Data-driven Approach towards Integration of Microclimate Conditions for Predicting Building Energy Performance, 5th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, July 9-12, 2018
- Kunwar, N, Cetin, K.S., Passe, U. (2019). Daylighting and Visual Comfort Performance Of Integrated Dynamic Roller Shades And Lighting Controls. Architectural Engineering Institute Conference 2019. Tysons, VA. April 3-6, 2019.
- Kunwar, N, Cetin, K.S., Passe, U., Gorostiaga, Y. (2018). Energy Performance of Automated Dynamic Interior Venetian Blinds in Commercial Buildings. ASHRAE Annual Conference, Houston, TX, June 23-27,2018.
- Kunwar, N., Cetin, K.S., Passe, U. (2018) Effect of Automated Dynamic Control of Interior Roller Shades on Daylighting and Energy Performance of South Facing Office Spaces, Fifth BEST Conference: Building Enclosure Science & Technology, Philadelphia, PA. April 15-18, 2018.
- Iowa State University and city of Des Moines partner on big data research project. (2016). http://www.news.iastate.edu/news/2016/10/26/bigdata-passe. Last accessed: February 9, 2017.
- Stonewall, J., Dorneich, M.C., Passe, U., & Shenk, L. (2017). “Methods for Engaging Underserved Populations,” Midwest Big Data Hub All-hands Meeting. Omaha, NE, October 3.
- Huang, W., Krejci, C.C., Dorneich, M.C., & Passe, U. (2017). “Development of a Hybrid Model for Weatherization Adoption in a Multilayer Social Network,” Midwest Big Data Hub All-hands Meeting. Omaha, NE, October 3.
- Huang, W. (2018), Exploring households’ weatherization adoptions: an agent-based approach. Master’s Thesis.